Annual Reports

Resources for creating your 2022 Annual Report

Annual Reports help tell the Extension impact story. They provide a convenient historical archive of county Extension efforts for the year. Together, they demonstrate the positive impact Extension provides families, businesses, and communities across the state. By reflecting and evaluating a previous year's impact, annual reports provide assistance on forward-looking program planning. Annual reports are a legal requirement of the Extension system. 

Access the templates and instructions for the 2022 unit annual reports. 

Why it matters: The deadline for submission of unit annual report content is March 31.

Training Recordings: Important instructions were provided at two November 2 trainings.


Recapping the process: Units may submit their content in two ways:

  • As an InDesign file
  • As text and photos


Tools to help: The toolkit includes the following resources.


Major changes for 2022:

  • All content must be submitted between January 15 and March 31.
  • No 1/2 page unit data graphics will be created this year. Instead, units may select any data sets to include in their report. 
  • Units should use the state's print vendor to receive up to a $1,000 reimbursement of print costs.
  • Design:
    • The cover will feature one photo. The cover features the title "Extension in Action" and larger county names.
    • Page 2 features only the county director report and map. Staff names have been moved to the back cover or inside back cover for large units.
    • A new page layout features a full-page photo and full-page headline.
    • New photo captions and pull quote formats create a cleaner look.
    • Priority issues icons will be replaced with grand challenge icons.


Topic-Based 'One-Pager' Impact Reports

Often, donors, legislators, or stakeholders may want to know the impact of a single program topic or challenge area. We sometimes refer to these compact reports as "one-pagers."

Take a look at examples and templates for one-page reports. Listen to the January 2021 training on the six simple steps for creating topic-focused impact reports:

  1. Title
  2. Issue
  3. Action
  4. Impact
  5. Partners
  6. Contact Information