Tip Sheets

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  • Thinking Through Children's Screen Time: Screens are not going away, and all of us can work to ensure we are intentional about our use, and our non-use, of screens for the good of our children and our families. How much screen time is okay for kids? The current wisdom from the American Academy of Pediatrics is based on age, content, and other activities of the child.
  • Communicating with Children in Stressful Times: It takes time to help children understand current events and the impact they have on our nation, community, and world. Continued conversations are necessary, but how do we do this without stressing everyone out?
  • Helping Children Cope in Times of Stress: Family stress rises when times get tough. Health crisis, financial stress, disruption to normal daily routines, uncertainty about national issues, and more can cause stress for children and adults. Communication has two parts — talking and listening. Each must occur for communication to be successful.
  • Helping Teens Deal with Disappointment: The teenage years revolve around friends, school, family, sports, and events. We may not always recognize what could warrant disappointment. Allow your teenager to experience frustration.
  • In the Moment: Building Resiliency: Resilience is how we deal with difficult situations or adversity. Seeing the good out of difficult situations is not an easy task but can be very helpful when trying to move forward.
  • In the Moment: Changing Relationships: Developing self-esteem and understanding complex emotions supports healthy relationship development. Caring adults serving as role models can encourage permanent, positive effects for the future by providing support and encouragement.
  • In the Moment: Building Self Esteem: As youth are developing socially, emotionally, and physically, it’s important to develop good self-esteem-building habits early on. 
  • In the Moment: Building Social Awareness: One of the most important skills you can learn to improve your social awareness is to develop empathy.
  • In the Moment: Instilling a Sense of Purpose: Purpose is defined as a strong, stable sense of commitment to something that is meaningful to you and makes a difference in the world around you.
  • Family Rituals and Routines During Times of Stress: Despite the cause of stress, all family members can benefit from special family rituals and familiar routines. As families engage in these important aspects of family life, all can experience healthier outcomes.