Our Impact

720,000 Program Participants
Living in 643 Communities
25,000 Educational Events Annually
That's 488 Each Week
$15,732,391 In-Kind Contributions
From Volunteer Hours Contributed
Today's Illinois Extension

Illinois Extension serves as: 

  • An innovation engine, relaying needs and challenges from the field to university researchers and research teams; and testing new practices, technologies, and innovations to sustain and advance the economy, social progress, and individual capacity.
  • A transformational educator working to provide continuous, noncredit education to audiences statewide—education that improves recipients’ personal and working lives. Illinois Extension is a teaching organization that works to significantly enhance human capital, generate well-prepared practitioners, and promote lifelong learning across the State of Illinois.
  • A regional network—with a presence in every Illinois county—linking communities, businesses, and the general population to the intensive research and development and technical resources of the university and its partners.
  • A transdisciplinary entity able to adopt holistic, integrated approaches to tackle complex problems in scientific, economic, technological, and social areas of importance to the citizens of the state.
  • A catalyst for the improvement of natural resource management practices, enhancing the environment, and sustaining Illinois’ quality of place, ensuring the attractiveness of the state and its communities for human capital, new ventures, and industry retention and expansion.
  • A deliverer of research, teaching, and Extension efforts to bolster food safety, ensure a secure food supply, and protect and promote the health of the state’s citizens.
  • A strengthener of the quality of life of individuals and families, thereby contributing to community sustainability and vitality.
  • A provider of 4-H Youth Development and leadership services, helping to provide the next generation of workers, leaders, and responsible citizens.